In every role in your life, you are a salesperson trying to get someone else to "buy-in" to your idea: as a parent as a colleague as a partner as a boss as an entrepreneur Your thinking preferences closely influence your behaviour - the way you communicate, negotiate, manage, lead and relate to others. When you have that experience of not being heard, of being unseen, and feeling ineffective, sometimes it can be attributed to your behaviour. When you understand how your behaviour contributes to disconnecting you from your audience, it becomes possible to choose different behaviours to achieve connection and better understanding of your deeper intentions. "We judge ourselves on our intent, we judge others on their behaviours". Steven Covey It becomes possible to choose to communicate in a way that speaks to the thinking preferences, or the "language" of your listener. Whole-brain thinking enables you to speak the language of your listener and make a connection. If you want to connect and be understood, you have to be willing to visit other areas of your brain! The (NBI®) thinking preference assessment, coupled with coaching, helps you to identify your preferred way of thinking, make the choice to access your whole brain for better connection and show up in your career and your life effectively. When you speak in the language of your listeners, you help them judge you based on your intentions, not on your behaviours.
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