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Events and webinars

Register for our events and webinars

From time to time we organise events and webinars that are available to clients and the public. We focus on topics that will support you in your business as a leader and owner, as well as in your career as a self-leader and leader of others. 


Most of our events are offered online which means you can access them from anywhere. We hope to see you at one of our events soon. 
Take a look here for updates.

Upcoming Events

  • Positioning your expertise on LinkedIn
    Positioning your expertise on LinkedIn
    Membership Offer
    Tue, 14 May
    14 May 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    LinkedIn is the equivalent of a 24/7/365 online conference where there are no limits on you on how many times you take to the stage as a keynote speaker. Join this workshop and learn how to position your expertise in your network using LinkedIn as your platform.
  • Write the CV that gets you into the interview
    Write the CV that gets you into the interview
    Membership Offer
    Tue, 11 Jun
    11 Jun 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    If your CV is't getting you into the interview, it's not doing its job correctly. These days knowing who reads your CV, what they look for & why your CV doesn't make it to their inbox even if you're possibly the best candidate, is the difference between getting to an interview & getting exhausted.
  • Leverage your thinking preferences for better decisions and relationships
    Leverage your thinking preferences for better decisions and relationships
    Sold Out
    Tue, 09 Jul
    09 Jul 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    We make sense of the world using frameworks that our brains develop early in life. Everything we do, how we make decisions, build relationships, communicate, manage, lead, & how we connect with, or disconnect from people around us. Leverage your thinking preferences for better influence & impact.
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